Thank you for your interest in contributing to the +1 Global Fund for Food Security! This Toolkit includes everything you need to contribute as a Network Partner, including how to recommend Nominators, which types of Nominators would be most aligned, how to make nominations yourself, and more.


The +1 Global Fund is a pooled fund that relies on nominations to discover and support early-stage, locally-led organizations in the Global South that are yielding significant impact, but are being overlooked or under-funded by Global North funders. There are multiple +1 Funds, each dedicated to a specific issue and/or region, and you can learn more about how each +1 Fund works in the +1 Overview page.

The Roddenberry, Sall Family, Schooner, Shockwave, and Tarsadia Foundations launched +1 Food Security in 2022 to improve food access and resilience across Sub-Saharan Africa. +1 Food Security consists of 5 Rounds of discovering and supporting aligned initiatives. We’ve completed 3 Rounds of +1 Food Security to date—you can see which organizations have been selected for support in the +1 Food Security Directory.

Each Round kicks off by asking "Network Partners" (institutions with broad networks) to recommend several “Nominators”. In turn, Nominators (well-connected individuals who are rooted in the issue and region) are then asked to nominate 3 organizations for +1 support. Nominators receive a USD 1,000 honorarium for each successful nomination (up to USD 3,000) to recognize their contribution. “Awardees” (nominated organizations selected for support) receive an unrestricted grant, which they can use however they think best, as well as a range of additional support designed to help accelerate their impact and attract more funding.

You were approached for partnership since you are embedded within a network of proximate experts and change-makers, who in turn can participate as Nominators. As a Network Partner you will help channel philanthropic funds towards locally-led, earlier-stage, and high-potential organizations most proximate to vulnerable communities, and you will be featured on the Roddenberry Foundation’s website and social media channels.

We are now kicking-off Round 4 of +1 Food Security, starting with finding new Network Partners, for which you’d be perfect. The time commitment is light—we simply ask Network Partners for the following, which can take less than 1 hour:

  1. Recommendations to Nominators—20 to 30 individuals in your network, who you trust and respect and are steeped in food systems anywhere in Sub-Saharan Africa
  2. (Optional) Whether you are interested in acting as a Nominator yourself—in which case you’d also be eligible for the USD 1,000 honorarium per selected organization

Ideal Nominators

Curious about who to recommend as a Nominator? The ideal Nominator is …